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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

I received an introduction from a personal injury attorney I know to a client of his who received…

7% Is The New Black

7% Is The New Black

Its the job of the media to sell headlines through fear-mongering. No longer actually news agencies, every outlet…

There Ain’t No Rest

There Ain’t No Rest

Shoulder surgeryI went in for shoulder surgery last month and that has turned out to be a more…

The Shift Is On

The Shift Is On

If youve ever watched a baseball game and seen the team in the field looking out of position,…

It's not a Ph.D

It's not a Ph.D

My Why Determines My WhatDid you ever wonder what all those letters are after some real estate agents…

California ADU Laws 2022

California ADU Laws 2022

We talked to Kendyl Young, Managing Partner at ADU DIGGS, a design/build ADU company specializing in Ventura County…

The Time My Seller Refused The Proceeds

The Time My Seller Refused The Proceeds

Birth order matters. Being the youngest of three with two older sisters has proven good training for many…

I surrender

I surrender

Me & My GalSandra has the Girl Scouts experience with Halston (as you know, especially during cookie season)…

Money Magic: Spend Less To Make More

Money Magic: Spend Less To Make More

I got a call from estate planning attorney Terri Hilliard at the end of last year. She had…